Cylinder Mowing

Cylinder Mowing in Coffs Harbour

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What is Cylinder Mowing?

A cylinder mower relies on a series of sharp, spiral blades on the reel rotating on a horizontal axis. The rotating reel, operating at a fixed height above the soil, feeds the blades of grass between the spinning blades and a stationary bed-knife producing a scissor-like cutting action unlike conventional rotary lawn mowers tearing the grass blade.


Why is This Beneficial to My Lawn?

This scissor action gives the sharpest cut to the blade of grass. This means the plant is less traumatised, giving less bleeding, quicker recovery, less brown tips at the injury, less water loss and therefore the grass plant is less susceptible to disease.

Not only does it give these added benefits it also gives you a more crisp look when finished, not to mention the stripe effect which can give maximum street appeal when your lawn is set up on a turf management plan.


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We serve commercial properties across Coffs Harbour and surrounds.

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